martes, 2 de octubre de 2012

A record of my Intercultural Experience

- in language: English

- place, period of time, age: Denmark; from september 2012 to January 2013; 20 years old.

A. Feelings
  • Ways in which my curiosity and interest were aroused:
    It really takes my attention how respecfull are Danish people with others´ belongings. Most of the times, you can leave your purchase even your bike without locked it out of the supermarket while buying new staff and nobody steals it. Moreover, many shops have their products outside without taking care of them and at the end of the day they are still there!
However, I spent a weekend in Copenhaguen and realized that there are some Danish people who collide your shoulder while walking in the street and do not apologize you, not look back to check if you are ok either. According to one of my teachers, it happens because from Danish people view, it is impolite to apologize for kicking strangers with no intention as talking with unknown people with no reason is not a good manner. Nevertheless, if you are a foreigner and ask a Danish person for information, you will find out that this person will do his/her best to help you.

  • Periods when I felt uncomfortable/homesick
Fortunately, I have never felt uncomfortable here, as just arrived I received a warm welcome from my tutors and the other Erasmus. Every single person I know here is very friendly and kindly.
  • Periods when I felt at home and comfortable
Honestly, between my Denmark life and my student life in Madrid, the one which makes me feel more close to home is the first one as it is more similar to Gran Canaria. From my point of view, Madrid is a big and crowded city where people take care just of his/herself. Most of the times, when you go to the university administration, you receive a poor service as the workers will try you to go away as soon as possible. Owing to the “bureaucracy”, if you ask for information to someone whose work is not related with that, before you finish to say your question, this person will have interrupted you to say, “this is not my job, ask to another person”.

Nevertheless, in Vordingborg, whoever I have asked for help has done his/her best to help me. In fact, I have had three Erasmus tutors from the first moment I arrived here. I appreciate it very much as if you are an Erasmus student in Spain, you will never be as welcome as here, in Vordingborg.

The famous Vordingborg´s "Goose tower "

B. Knowledge 
  • The most important things I learnt about Danish life: 
 Here, in Vordingborg, I have realized that Danish life style has got many differences with the Spanish one. For instance, their meal´s timetable is completely different as when the Danish have lunch (11:15 a.m.)  the typical Spanish has breakfast or just eat a fruit. Another dissimilarity I have noticed is that, at least in Vordingborg, Danish windows have not got mini-blinds, they just have some curtains which are open most of the times, even at night. So respectful are Danish people that they do not mind about other´s life, you can lie in your sofa in the middle of the night and fall asleep while watching Tv without being afraid about being disturbing or stolen. Moreover, other examples of Danish consideration are the facts that canteen´s workers trust you when saying to them the number of sweets you have in your bag and charge according to that; and if you go to a buffet, beforehand you have to decide what you are going to drink and whether you want a dessert or not and then pay according to that, then you can take your meal and nobody checks that you have not cheated and taken wine instead of water (which is what you have paid for) for instance. 

Taking all in consideration, from my point of view many Spanish people should learnt from Danish values.

C. Actions 

One of the things I appreciate the most about my Erasmus experience is the culture mixing. Fortunately, I am surrounded by Czechs, Austrians, Turks, Spaniards, Danishes, Italians and French, each of them with their own culture, traditions, values and personalities. Definitely, this is a great opportunity to learn from others and enrich ourselves. For instance, since I arrived here I have learnt lots of interesting things from Turkish culture, such as the reason why they do not eat pork or the meaning of wearing a scarf. Moreover, I have also tasted some of their delicious meals and heard what they think about the Spanish way of talking. By the way, Austrians have also many delicious desserts and Danish black bread is awesome!

I have already been here for one and a half month but still have until the end of January to do the most of this experience and enjoy it as much as possible!

Here you can see some delicious Turkish meals made by my flatmate, Damla (they really like cooking potatoes and chicken):

 chicken casserole
Añadir leyenda

Potatoes and chicken with paste sauce


4 comentarios:

  1. I think that your post is very interesting, comparing the differences between spanish and danish people. Thank you for sharing your nice experiences, a big hug

    1. I´m glad about you like it. I will keep on posting new entrances which I hope you enjoy too!

  2. Great Country to have these kind of experience. All what you say about Madrid is truth, but it´s cultural, spanish mind need to change in question of attention when it works. But, in my experience living in Sweden, I´m sure that you will see also the bad things there. And in my case, I left the Skandinavian countries loving from my soul Madrid and Spain xD

    Take care and enjoy everythng u could.

  3. Yes I am enjoying it as much as I can, but I will be here just until the end of January.Thank you very much for your comment ^^.
