An intercultural research assignment
During our questionnaire we went to ask a few pupils with different background in sixth class. We
also included questions for the teacher.
We pointed out three children, a
Danish one, an African one and Danish with African parents´ background.
First, we asked the teacher these
- Can you see a huge difference among different cultures?
Teacher: Yes, there are differences . Sometimes there is a problem with male
pupils with different background who don´t respect female teacher.
- Do you need to use another kind of methods when you speak to pupils with diff. backgrounds?
Teacher: Yes, sure. It is necessary me to use different kind of behaviour. I
have to treat everybody individually each of them to get equal possibility of
- Do you find inclusion as a problem?
Teacher: Yes, I find it as a problem. Especially, because there is not much
money in education and to have different kinds of pupils integrated in one
class you need more teachers and special tools.
Do you think that all your pupils are integrated enough?
Teacher: Yes, I hope so.
- In your opinion, what is the biggest difficulty according to different cultures in one class ?
Teacher: No reading which makes
difficulties among the pupils. They are not used to reading from their home and
it´s hard for me to make them improving their reading skills.
- How do you teach culture? Do you have some special subject?
Teacher: I try to include it in music,
English and Danish lesson in a natural way.
Questions for students:
- Do you feel different from the other because you are not Danish?
African girl: Sometimes
I feel different but I have never had difficulties because people treat me
Danish girl with African backg. : When I was a child schoolmates sometimes put
me out of the social group because I look different.
- Do you think that your life would be better if you lived in your home country?
African girl: No, I
like both countries. However, I feel more comfortable if I speak my own
language with natives.
- Do you think you have classmates who are not integrated enough?
Danish girl : No, in my class we try to integrate everybody when we play. In other
classes I have seen different treatment. We respect each of us.
As we can see in the above answers, in this 6th grade class there are not any inclusion difficulties because of the difference between cultures. All the pupils are treated the same regardless their background.However, in general, the only problem I see is the lack of economical as well as personell resources they have in order to be able to make the process of integration easier to a foreign pupil. Since when they have a new student who is not Danish and the only language he/she can talk is his/her mother tongue, the teacher does not receive any extra help such as a translator in order to manage to communicate with that child. Thus, the complete inclusion of every single foreing pupil in the class is a very difficult and hard work.
By using theory from the
chapters in Third Culture Kids (read for December 6th and 10th) why do you
think this teacher is successful in integrating the foreign students?
According to the book “Third Culture Kids ” (2009): “A
Third Culture Kid (TCK) is a person who has spent a significant part of his or
her developmental years outside the parents´culture. The TCK frequently builds relationships
to all of the cultures, while not having full ownership in any. Although
elements from each culture may be assimilated into the TCK´s life experience,
the sense of belonging is in relationship to others of similar background”. I
am not sure if the foreign students this teacher has in class are TCK or whether
they just know about their own culture and the Danish one. Anyway, this
teacher´s foreign students feel more comfortable when talking in their own
language with people with the same background, as they have the same sense of
belonging. So, probably this kind of students will never feel that they belong
to Danish culture even if they live in Denmark for their all life. For this
reason, I think that we should not encourage them a different culture but
respect their own one. Exactly, that is what this teacher does when treating
all his students differently and individually. He tries to know all his pupils
backgrounds as well as their personalities in order to adapt his teaching
methods to them so they will have equal possibilities of interaction.
Apart from that, basing again on the “Third Culture
Kids” book, foreign pupils are many times used to a different school system.
For instance, as the teacher of my interview said, sometimes he has problems in
order to develop reading skills in his students due to the fact that they do
not read at home with their parents. Probably, these children´s previous
teachers did not ask them to read at home because they had different methods of
teaching. How can we cope with this? From my point of view, in this particular
case, the teacher should supply the lack of reading of his pupils by giving
them extra help in lessons so they can finally manage to read. However, there
can be cases in which it is impossible for the teacher to adapt his/her methods
to a pupil and need to talk with his/her parents and ask them for help in order
to find a way that this pupil develop school aims. Because even if we want to
respect everybody´s culture, there are some school aims which came from the
society and the state that must be develop if you want to success in a certain
In summary, we as teachers should respect our pupils´
cultures and try to not to encourage them to be what they are not. Nevertheless,
there are some school aims according to each society that should be got even if
you are used to another school system from your birth country. So we have to do
our best in order that our pupils get inclusive in our society without losing their
own identity.
By using theory from the chapters in Third Culture Kids (read for December 6th and 10th) why do you think this teacher is successful in integrating the foreign students?